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Blogs in Healthcare: What is the Importance of Blogging?

Written by Olivia Campbell | Apr 6, 2023 1:53:53 PM

Table of Contents: 

  1. What Is A Level-One Healthcare Blog?
  2. Why Does My Practice Need Level-One Blogs?
  3. Can't AI Programs Produce Level-One Healthcare Blogs For Me?
  4. How Can I Boost My Practice With Level-One Healthcare Blogs?

If your practice's website isn't turning clicks into appointments, it isn't doing enough to engage potential patients. With a high-quality, informative healthcare blog maintained by the experts at PracticeBeat, you can take your website from passive to proactive and start to attract patients who are looking for the services you offer.

A blog isn't just about writing articles; it's about creating an authoritative, relatable presence in your field. Your blog should be a living collection of topics that directly relate to the services you offer and how they can benefit patients. It should address common questions in language that resonates with your audience, and it should be updated regularly to keep content fresh. A well-crafted blog post can help your practice establish authority in its field, build trust with its patients, boost engagement, and improve its rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs).

For most healthcare providers looking for new patients, writing a blog is typically the last thing on their minds. But what most don't know is that a healthcare blog can significantly boost patient acquisition. Content marketing, which includes deeply-integrated FAQs and fresh, time-stamped blog posts, produces 3x more leads than paid search or ads. 

When you let PracticeBeat take over your content marketing, you can gain new patients without ever having to pick up the phone or open your laptop. Our content experts regularly create powerful search engine-optimized blogs for healthcare practices across the country to increase patient acquisition. We call these level-one healthcare blogs, and they serve as the perfect point of entry for a practice's potential patients.

What Is A Level-One Healthcare Blog?

A level-one healthcare blog is a blog tailored to meet the needs of your healthcare practice, its patients, and search engine algorithms. At PracticeBeat, our content experts have designed a way to rank website content on a scale of three levels to determine how effective it is. Level-one content, the highest level of content, is optimized to achieve the greatest outcomes. In other words, it is well-written, informative, keyword-rich, and shareable. This type of content is often found on websites that have been recently updated to include an effective SEO strategy, which is essential to a practice’s digital success.

These blogs should provide valuable, accurate information and include relevant keywords, images, and other elements designed to convert readers into long-time patients. That's why each blog we write at PracticeBeat is fully optimized with SEO to help web searchers find your content and be introduced to your practice.

In addition to having original articles that are relevant to your practice, engage your readers, and are written by content experts, a level-one healthcare blog must also be updated regularly. Frequent blog posts allow you to reach new and current patients on a personal level and drive them back to your website on a regular basis.

Why Does My Practice Need Level-One Blogs?

A level-one healthcare blog is a valuable tool in your practice growth toolkit. The content experts at PracticeBeat have seen firsthand the power of level-one blogs on healthcare practices, and they understand how important it is to create quality content that engages readers. Some of the benefits you can expect to see from level-one, optimized blogs include:

  1. Increased patient acquisition - Level-one blogs provide an opportunity to engage prospective patients and build trust with them. By providing useful, quality content, you can turn web visitors into patients. Blogs also provide a great opportunity to engage with existing patients and keep them up-to-date on the latest advances in healthcare.
  2. An established authority in your field - Search engines like Google value authority and trustworthiness, and content marketing is a great way to achieve that. Through level-one blogs that provide accurate and valuable information, you can establish yourself as an authority in the field and give patients confidence when they come to your practice in search of care.
  3. Boosted organic search engine rankings - Blogs are one of the best ways to cultivate organic content, and frequently updated blogs can help boost your website's SEO rankings. When your blog posts are properly optimized with relevant keywords and images, they will rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means more people will be exposed to your practice.

A well-written, fully optimized blog is often the push your website needs to stand out among your competitors. Gaining new patients can be made easy when your regularly posted blogs are doing the work for you. At PracticeBeat, we do the content marketing work for you with fully optimized blogs that bring internet users that convert into patients straight to your digital front door.

Can't AI Programs Produce Level-One Healthcare Blogs For Me?

The rise of AI is rapidly changing the tech landscape, and AI programs have become increasingly adept at creating content. However, AI programs are still limited in their ability to produce blog posts by themselves that are suitable for a level-one healthcare blog.

AI programs can only produce content based on data they have been fed, and as a result, will often confidently present inaccurate information. Without the guidance, research, and fact-checking of a human writer, these inaccuracies present the immediate issue of lowering your patients' trust, and in some cases, putting their health at risk.

In addition, search engines rank high-quality, informative content higher on their SERPs, and inaccuracies can hurt your website's ranking. Search engines are also capable of detecting content that was written by AIs, and this content is often flagged as low-quality, stuffed with keywords, or both. This can lead to your blog being docked in the SERP rankings and, as a result, not reaching its full SEO potential.

AI programs also struggle to personalize content in a way that resonates with readers. They can't tailor content to your practice in the same way a human writer can, and a blog that doesn't engage readers won't be effective in driving traffic back to your website. AI may be able to churn out blog posts quickly, but it won't provide the same level of quality and personalization as a human writer.

However, AI can be a great tool for helping content writers manage the more tedious aspects of content production, such as keyword optimization. When used in tandem with quality, informative content from a human writer, AI can help increase your website's SEO ranking and drive users back to your practice.

Ultimately, a blog written by an AI progam cannot replace a level-one healthcare blog written by a content expert. For all of these reasons, it is recommended that you invest in professional writing that is accurate, engaging, and tailored to your practice. This will ensure maximum visibility for your blog, driving traffic and boosting patient acquisition.

How Can I Boost My Practice With Level-One Healthcare Blogs?

When you think of a marketing strategy, you may not think of blogging. But the right level-one-created content can be a great way to engage with patients and introduce them to your practice. The benefits you can gain through quality, optimized healthcare blog posts are worth it for any practice that wants to increase its reach and patient acquisition rate.

At PracticeBeat, our experts specialize in creating original healthcare blogs that are optimized for SEO and tailored to your specific practice. We focus on topics relevant to your practice and aimed at your patients' needs. With our blog writing services, you can rest assured that your blogs will be properly crafted and designed to draw in more patients and boost search engine rankings.

So, if you're busy running your practice, let us handle the content marketing. Our expert content writers and SEO specialists will ensure your practice is found by everyone in the area, all while you keep doing what you do best: providing quality care to loyal patients.

At PracticeBeat, we help practices grow by providing the tools and expertise necessary to outperform the competition. Let the innovative team at PracticeBeat assist in attracting patients, growing your practice, and making life easier for you and your patients.  

Let PracticeBeat begin by preparing a detailed assessment of the top performers in your market and specialty. They will show how you perform (and why) along with how to outperform the regional competition. Sign up for a free assessment and demo today or visit our website to learn more.