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Content Marketing Strategy: Why Content Marketing is Important

Written by Olivia Campbell | Jan 4, 2023 5:33:18 PM

Table of Contents

  1. Medical Practices Without Content Lack Authority
  2. Why Is Content So Critical?
  3. How PracticeBeat Uses Level 1 Content To Build Your Site’s Authority

Many people assume that the content of a website isn't as important as including keywords or implementing technical SEO. However, ensuring that content is accurate and valuable is what will truly set a website apart from the competition. While it may not seem like a big deal to use vague keywords throughout generic sales copy, you could be limiting your SEO opportunities and preventing your practice from growing.

One of the most important elements of improving a website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) is building authority. Authority is a measure of how well respected a site is by search engines like Google. The higher a site’s authority, the more likely it is to rank for competitive keywords and phrases.

PracticeBeat’s content specialists have devised a way to accurately assess the quality of content through a three-level system. Medical practices that don't have level-one content lack authority, which means their search rankings results will be low. With everything that goes into running a  successful medical practice, it can be tough to find the time and resources to develop and maintain a content strategy. Luckily, the experts at PracticeBeat can help.

When you utilize PracticeBeat, you are guaranteed access to level-one content that is consistent throughout the site and guaranteed to increase search rankings. If you're skimping on  your content strategy, it could be costing you potential patients.

Want to learn more? Talk to one of PracticeBeat’s expert strategists for more information about creating level-one content and optimizing online presence. We work hard to set independent practices apart from competitors and give them back time to spend doing what matters most: taking care of patients and growing their medical practices.

Running a healthcare practice can be difficult enough on its own, so adding digital marketing to the mix can seem pretty daunting. You may have brushed up on SEO knowledge through our downloadable healthcare marketing checklist, but decided the copy, or content, you have is good enough. While it may seem harmless to disperse vague keywords throughout generic sales copy, this could be limiting practice growth.

While search engine optimization is a key asset, the content of a site sells a practice to potential patients, and more importantly, gains their trust. In a world where first impressions are everything, you can't afford to have lackluster content that does nothing to set you apart from the competition. Putting time and effort into creating high-quality, level-one content can be the reason patients choose your practice over your competitors.


Medical Practices Without Content Lack Authority

Content is any form of copywriting, whether it be on a website, blog, or social media platform. To make a good impression on potential and current patients, content must be well-written, accurate, and trustworthy. This means that content provides more than just an overview of a practice’s services and contact information. Providing patients with helpful, valuable content can show not only patients but search engines that you are an authority in your field.


What Is Authority?

When it comes to search engine results pages (SERPs), building authority is one of the most important steps for improving a website's ranking. Authority is a measure of how well a site is respected by search engines like Google. The higher a site’s authority, the more likely it is to rank for competitive keywords and phrases.

Many factors contribute to a website's authority, but publishing quality content is one of the most important. Creating content that is not only well-written and informative but also shareable can help increase a website's authority and earn it backlinks from other websites.

Authority is essential to Google's algorithmic ranking process, and Google knows when content is unhelpful. Google has been fighting against low-quality content since before 2012. Google’s Panda algorithm update was designed to target black-hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing and link farms, which were common ways to game the system and improve SERP rankings without providing valuable content.

However, even if you're not using these kinds of manipulative tactics, your content could still be considered low quality if it's not meeting Google's standards for helpful, informative content. Google's standards have only gotten higher since the Panda update, so it's more important than ever for practices to make sure they have level-one content that sets them apart.


Why Is Content So Critical?

Consistently providing level-one content to a website not only pleases Google's algorithm, but it builds trust among website visitors. Web browsers who happen to find a practice’s site can become loyal patients when the right message is communicated.

While patient-doctor relationships are typically built in person, it's imperative that a practice also nurtures this connection online in order to succeed in the digital space. A healthcare website's content should not only generate interest in the practice, but communicate the practice's mission, values, and quality of care. Healthcare content should provide valuable information to patients and show that a provider is a top expert in their field.

Levels Of Content

At PracticeBeat, our content experts have derived a way to rank content on a scale of three levels to determine if your site’s content is optimized to achieve the greatest outcomes. The three levels are:

  1. Level 3 content - A practice with level three content has little to no strategy for their website content. The copy is often outdated, inaccurate, and poorly written, and there are zero SEO strategies in place. This type of content is generally found on older websites that have not been updated in several years.
  2. Level 2 content - Level two content may have slightly better content than that of level one, but it is still missing key elements that would make it truly effective. The copy may be well-written but not necessarily optimized for SEO, or the practice may have a blog with inconsistent or irrelevant posts.
  3. Level 1 content - The best level of content, level-one content, is well-written, informative, keyword-rich, and shareable. This type of content is often found on websites that have been recently updated and are using an effective SEO strategy. These sites provide valuable content that exceeds Google's algorithm standards and acts as a trusted resource for patients.

When your website is powered by PracticeBeat, you are guaranteed level-one content that is consistent throughout your website. Staying content with a level 2 or 3 content strategy could be causing you to miss out on potential patients. If you're ready to connect with more patients and improve your online presence, contact us today to learn more about our level-one content services.


How Content Affects The Patient Journey

Nowadays, most patients will search online to find a healthcare provider before they ever step foot in a doctor's office. This means that a healthcare website's content is one of the first, and often only, chances to make an impression on potential patients. It also means that Google's algorithm is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not a practice is found by patients who are searching for the type of services that they offer. The more level-one content a website has, the more authority it builds, which makes the site more likely to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

By increasing search ranking, a provider can increase the number of potential patients finding their practice. Since the website has established authority and provides valuable information, it can become more than just an online brochure that generates interest in the practice - it can become an educational resource that patients rely on throughout their healthcare journey. When patients feel that they can trust you and look to you for expert advice, they will be more inclined to become a patient of your practice.

Level-one content does more than just acquire new patients: it turns patients into advocates for your practice. When patients feel engaged by your practice rather than being "sold" on it, they are more likely to leave positive reviews and refer their friends and family to your practice. Level-one content can turn a few new patients into tens or hundreds of lifelong patients.

If you're not sure what level your content is, our team of experts can perform in-depth content analysis and develop a strategy to help you achieve level-one content and grow your practice.


How PracticeBeat Uses Level 1 Content To Build Your Site’s Authority

Medical practices without level-one content lack authority, and low authority means low search rankings. With so many moving parts in a successful medical practice, it can be difficult to find the time and resources to develop and maintain a content strategy, but the experts at PracticeBeat can help.

Our team of expert content writers, SEO specialists, web designers, social media managers, and more will work with you to develop level-one content for your website that is fully optimized and gives patients an inside look at your practice. At PracticeBeat, we know that you want to offer the best care possible to your patients, and we want to help you convey that important message to potential patients as you grow your practice. If you'd like to learn more about level-one content, sign up for your free demo with PracticeBeat today.


PracticeBeat digitizes the patient acquisition process and helps practices grow by providing the tools and expertise necessary to outperform the competition. Schedule a free assessment from PracticeBeat to diagnose barriers to practice growth today. 

Check out our downloadable Search Engine Optimization checklist and kickstart your practice growth.